Year 2021-2022
Country Ethiopia
Research and Evaluation PROJECTS
Female entrepreneurs tend to have lower levels of education, less access to relevant business information, and face higher childcare and household demands, restricting their ability to attend traditional training and networking activities. As such, the World Bank’s Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL), the Innovations in Financing Women Entrepreneurs (IFWE) project, seeks to pilot, scale up, and evaluate new approaches to empowering Ethiopia’s women entrepreneurs. IFWE works with Mercy Corps to bring its existing MicroMentor platform, which facilitates digital connections between mentors and mentees, to the Somali Region in Ethiopia. Kimetrica and its subcontractor, Effect X, are conducting an exploratory qualitative study of the MicroMentor pilot intervention, using focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews, to understand local cultural views towards business mentorship, as well as expectations, experiences, challenges, and successes using the MicroMentor platform. This information will equip the World Bank to provide female entrepreneurs in Ethiopia with the most effective support required to overcome their unique set of challenges.
Year 2020-2027
Country Burundi DRC Ethiopia Kenya Rwanda Somalia South Sudan Sudan Tanzania Uganda
Research and Evaluation PROJECTS
USAID’s Kenya and East Africa (KEA) Mission is leading critical efforts to promote learning through evaluation, performance monitoring, knowledge management, and research throughout the region. USAID/KEA’s Evaluations, Assessments and Analyses (EAA) IDIQ enables the procurement of regular evaluations, assessments, and analyses for learning to improve effectiveness and accountability of activities in the region. As a holder of the seven-year IDIQ, Kimetrica is positioned to design and implement both quantitative and qualitative research, lead on knowledge management, and develop and deliver evaluation and assessment training to as many as 11 USAID Missions in the region, as well as to USAID implementing partners, and local institutions. Kimetrica’s EAA IDIQ partners include Social Impact, Forcier Consulting, and TANGO International.
Year 2019-2020
Country Ethiopia
Research and Evaluation PROJECTS
Building Self-Reliance for Refugees and Host Communities by Improved Sustainable Basic Social Service Delivery Programme (BSRP) is a UNICEF Ethiopia-led effort to improve service delivery in health, nutrition, WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), education, and child protection. In 2019, Kimetrica and subcontractor Causal Design conducted a qualitative mid-term evaluation of the programme using 171 key informant interviews (KIIs) and 20 gender-disaggregated focus group discussions (FGDs) with program beneficiaries that covered the service delivery sectors across five regions of Ethiopia, including Afar, Benishangul Gumuz, Gambella, Somali, and Tigray. Work was carried out by gender-balanced teams fluent in the main languages of each region and focused on beneficiary perceptions of program performance. Kimetrica reported on the programme’s effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability by conducting a comparative analysis, a context analysis, and high-level stakeholder mapping, which informed the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office’s (FCDO) decision on the proposed BSRP extension. This project is a continuation of the BSRP: Baseline Study which Kimetrica also conducted.
Year 2019-2026
Country Angola Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon CAR Chad Djibouti DRC El Salvador Ethiopia Guatamala Haiti Honduras Kenya Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mozambique Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Rwanda Senegal Sierra Leonne Somalia South Sudan Sudan Tajikistan Tanzania Uganda USA Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
Modeling and Simulation PROJECTS
Research and Evaluation PROJECTS
Information Management PROJECTS
USAID’s Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS NET) project is the agency’s longest-running activity. Created in 1985 by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US Department of State after devastating famines in East and West Africa, FEWS NET provides near real-time analysis on famine threats in more than 38 highly-vulnerable countries around the world.
The FEWS NET Learning and Data Hub (“the Hub”) provides a mission-critical, web-based Information Management System (IMS) to enhance the ability of analysts to provide evidence-based decision-making about humanitarian assistance. It is designed to serve FEWS NET team members and their partners with the technology platforms and strategies necessary to manage, analyze, and disseminate FEWS NET data, information, and other knowledge products.
The Hub’s Data Management Platform (DMP) workstream consists of a set of activities that are designed to manage, maintain, and improve the FEWS NET DMP, including the FEWS NET Data Warehouse (FDW) and the FEWS NET Data Explorer (FDE), as well as other digital applications needed to store, manipulate and disseminate the core FEWS NET databases. It also includes activities related to the design and management of new datasets, visualizations, and analytical tools, as requested by USAID.
The FEWS NET website platform provides monthly reports and maps detailing current and projected levels of food insecurity; alerts on emerging or likely crises; and specialized reports on weather and climate, markets and trade, agricultural production, livelihoods, nutrition, and food assistance. The Hub team is responsible for managing, maintaining and improving the FEWS NET website platform, while the implementer of the EW team is responsible for the primary early warning analysis and reporting under FEWS NET, as well as for uploading its critical information products directly onto the website.
The Hub’s mandate for Knowledge and Learning is to make FEWS NET food security-related data and knowledge products more accessible to FEWS NET team members, as well as to users and for uses outside of the FEWS NET team.
Through our management of the FEWS NET Data Hub, Kimetrica is helping USAID to sustainably prevent food insecurity and famine by providing timely, relevant, and evidence-based analysis on the causes, levels, and consequences of food insecurity. In turn, the analysis drives decision-making at international, national, and local levels.
"[Kimetrica's] work with the Famine Early Warning Systems Network is truly inspiring. Because of [Kimetrica's] devotion to this topic, USAID is more effectively able to identify food insecurity throughout the world and save lives."
~ The Honorable Mr. Joe Neguse, US Congressman, 2nd District of Colorado
Year 2019-2021
Country Ethiopia
Large-Scale Surveys PROJECTS
USAID's Livelihoods for Resilience (L4R) activity in Ethiopia focuses on four priority areas that support and enhance livelihood opportunities for chronically food-insecure households in targeted regions and woredas (administrative divisions): 1) on-farm, income-generating activities (IGAs) and crop and livestock market systems; 2) off-farm IGAs and non-farm enterprise development; 3) non-farm labor and wage employment; 4) collaborative learning for scaling up and sustaining gains made in the three livelihood pathways (i.e., on-farm, off-farm, employment). To assess the L4R activity’s progress and effectiveness, Kimetrica, in collaboration with its partners, Save the Children and TANGO International, is implementing a quarterly, Recurrent Monitoring Study (RMS) across the same regions as the 2018 baseline study for eight rounds in total (four rounds per year). The RMS collects and analyzes high-frequency panel data regarding household shock exposure, responses, wellbeing outcomes, and changes in household resilience capacity. Mixed-method data is collected from a subset of baseline respondents (800 households) and alternates between 32 key informant interviews and 16 focus group discussions to prevent respondent fatigue. The RMS is being used to 1) measure real-time household responses to shocks and/or stressors that occur during the life of the activity and 2) to adapt the activity throughout implementation. Beginning in April 2020, in response to COVID-19, Kimetrica transitioned from in-person data collection to mobile-based data collection to minimize face-to-face contact with respondents and comply with the Government of Ethiopia’s recommendations, while still ensuring response rates of approximately 98 percent.
Year 2019-2021
Country Angola Botswana Burundi Ethiopia Kenya Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Mozambique Namibia Rwanda Somalia South Africa South Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe
Research and Evaluation PROJECTS
Nutrition status across East and Southern Africa is typically monitored through a national level, representative population survey at most every four to five years, which means that, often, up-to-date information for many countries is lacking. The objective of this two-year Long Term Agreement (LTA) is to increase the uptake of innovative spatial survey methods for all 21 countries in the East and Southern African region to more closely monitor progress toward achieving national, regional and global nutrition targets. Specifically, the LTA facilitates the availability of technical expertise in spatial surveying methods, data analysis techniques, and mapping of results to facilitate provision of in-country technical support for surveys and assessments. Kimetrica offers area-based sampling methods to estimate and map nutritional status data at both regional and national levels.
Year 2019-2020
Country Ethiopia
Research and Evaluation PROJECTS
Ethiopia is highly prone to climate and weather induced hazards, including droughts. These droughts can lead to failed harvests and reduction in livestock, water shortages and, ultimately, periods of food insecurity and reduced resilience of individuals and households to further shocks. In response, Ethiopia has mature mechanisms in place to manage food insecurity and famine prevention. However, there is a need for more timely and reliable analysis to help trigger funding decisions. In collaboration with the World Bank, the Government of Ethiopia, and other partners, Kimetrica carried out a consultancy to strengthen the food security early warning system, which bolstered the Government’s early warning system to better predict, mitigate, and ultimately reduce the impact of climate and weather induced disasters in Ethiopia.
Year 2018
Country Ethiopia
Large-Scale Surveys PROJECTS
Building Self-Reliance for Refugees and Host Communities by Improved Sustainable Basic Social Service Delivery Program (BSRP) is a UNICEF Ethiopia-led effort to improve service delivery in health, nutrition, WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), education and child protection. In 2018, Kimetrica carried out a baseline study for BSRP in one camp and the surrounding host community in each refugee-hosting region of Ethiopia -- Berhale (Afar), Tongo (Benishangul Gumuz), Pugnido I (Gambella), Kebrebeyah (Somali) and Adi-Harush (Tigray). The baseline study entailed a quantitative survey of 3,000 households; in-depth interviews with providers at 70 service facilities; key informant interviews with 75 implementers, experts and programme staff; and 40 focus group discussions with community members. UNICEF is using Kimetrica's findings to work externally with local providers and partners, and internally, within UNICEF, to maximize BSRP's effectiveness and efficiency.
Year 2018
Country Ethiopia
Large-Scale Surveys PROJECTS
USAID's Livelihoods for Resilience (L4R) Learning Activity in Ethiopia focuses on four priority areas that support and enhance livelihood opportunities for chronically food-insecure households in targeted regions and woredas (administrative divisions): 1) on-farm, income-generating activities (IGAs) and crop and livestock market systems; 2) off-farm IGAs and non-farm enterprise development; 3) non-farm labor and wage employment; 4) collaborative learning for scaling up and sustaining gains made in the three livelihood pathways (i.e., on-farm, off-farm, employment). To assess the L4R activities' progress and effectiveness, Kimetrica, in collaboration with its partners, Save the Children and TANGO International, implemented a baseline study. The baseline study, conducted in 2018, included two quantitative components -- a household survey of 3,520 households and a community survey; and two qualitative components -- 32 focus group discussions (FGDs) and a range of in-depth interviews (IDIs)). The 3,520 households surveyed were scattered across 128 randomly-selected clusters (i.e. 16 treatment and 16 control, from each of the 4 regions). Questionnaires were digitized using the Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro) and data was collected electronically using Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), ensuring a daily flow of data and, in turn, timely feedback to the data collection team on suspicious and outlier values. Voice recordings were used for qualitative data collection. The baseline study results were used to monitor and assess the progress and effectiveness of L4R activities during implementation, and later to be used for comparison with endline results.
Year 2014-2019
Country Ethiopia Kenya Somalia South Sudan
Research and Evaluation PROJECTS
Kimetrica conducts food security monitoring in some of the world’s most vulnerable locations. Working in highly insecure environments, Kimetrica’s field-based researchers and data collection teams gathered primary data from panel surveys of households, markets and health centers. Using tablets and satellite telephones, Kimetrica provided decision-makers with near real-time information on humanitarian conditions, food availability, and population movements. Kimetrica's cutting-edge methodological approach in collecting detailed information allowed decision-makers to better understand humanitarian conditions and design programs to best respond to immediate needs.